Seasons of your Menstrual Cycle
Do you ever wonder why sometimes you are jumping out of bed to exercise and eating all the vegetables, and then the next week you can’t drag yourself out of bed and want to stay at home eating chocolate in bed?
Well… it’s actually a normal part of your menstrual cycle!
Your menstrual cycle is a series of monthly body changes that are controlled by fluctuating female hormones. The menstrual cycle does not just include the week of the period, in fact, our hormones are changing everyday throughout our monthly cycle. Unlike men, who’s hormone cycle is within 24 hours, women’s hormones change every single day and can be the reason why we feel different each day - we cycle on a 28 day hormone cycle.
The female hormones can change our energy, mood, weight, strength, motivation, appetite, confidence and sleep.
A typical cycle is around 28 days. However, anywhere between 26-32 days is considered normal. If your cycle length is outside of this - I would urge you to consider getting hormone testing completed.
The menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases. I like to compare the phases of the menstrual cycle to the cycles of the weather: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Both the menstrual cycle and the weather cycle have a lot of amazing common features. For example, hibernation, growth, releasing, or slowing down.
For some, getting your period 'sucks'. The mood swings that come with fluctuating hormones, and the monthly bleed and pain all seems to be inconvenient and annoying. But did you know, with the right knowledge, you can use the menstrual cycle to your advantage! Each phase/season has its own super power! It doesn't have to be a burden, in fact, it can be a tool to better your health and help you get the most out of life!
WINTER- PHASE 1 (day 1-6)
The first day of your period bleed (menstruation) is considered day 1 of the menstrual cycle- your period phase is referred to as the Winter phase. During this phase our female hormones are at their lowest, you may feel less energised and more introverted- it is a time to lean into your feminine energy.
Pamper yourself
Spend time to connect with yourself
Rest and Reflect
Yoga/Gentle exercise
Warm nourishing meals
Hot teas
Warm epsom salt baths
Big social events
HITT workouts
Strenuous cardio
Work late
Overcommit yourself
SPRING - PHASE 2 (day 7-13)
Spring is a time when your hormones are on the rise! Spring is also known as the Follicular Phase, which comes straight after menstruation. Follicular means that the follicles of the female egg are maturing, in preparation to be fertilised at ovulation. The rise of oestrogen and testosterone calls for an increased mood, brain power, and energy levels!
Creative projects
Problem solve and make decisions
Social events
Lighter meals - your appetite may naturally decrease during this phase.
Strength training and high intensity exercise
Sexy time
Show your confidence
SUMMER- PHASE 3 (day 14-16)
Summer is ovulation! This is the main event of the menstrual cycle! Ovulation is time for procreation, where the egg awaits for fertilisation to occur. During this phase you get a big spike in testosterone and oestrogen levels! These hormones make you feel sexy, glowing, high energy and confident! Ovulation you should be feeling your best - an even heightened effect of the feelings during spring.
Indulge in more sex and self pleasure: this is the time your body is designed to procreate- naturally, your libido will increase.
Go on a date
Try something new
Higher intensity exercise and strength training
AUTUMN - PHASE 4 (day 17-28)
Autumn is known as the Luteal Phase, it comes after ovulation. Ovulation is how you make progesterone, our dominant hormone during this phase. Progesterone has a main function of maintaining and nourishing a healthy pregnancy. If fertilisation occurs during ovulation, the Autumn phase is designed to prepare your body to grow a baby. Progesterone is used in the body as a natrual anti-depressant, natural pain relief, can help you feel cool, calm and collected & have amazing sleeps. If no fertilisation occurs, the cycle starts again.
To do lists
Potter around the house
Wind down and reflect.
Less social events
Pilates, walking and slow exercises.
Lean into your intuition
Be afraid to eat more - your metabolism and energy requirements increase during this phase
Big work projects
Strenuous exercise
Winter, is menstruation, day 1-6
Spring, is preparing the follicles/eggs for ovulation, day 7-14
Summer, is ovulation, day 14-16
Autumn, is the fall of oestrogen and rise of progesterone, day 17-28
The days above are approximates - if you have a shorter or longer cycle - these phases will be shorter or longer as well.
It is important to remember, that just because in certain phases of our cycles we may feel less energised or not in a bubbly mood - doesn't mean that conditions like depression or chronic fatigue are normal. There are many factors that can contribute to our mood and energy. However, being aware of what phase we are in our cycle, may help us to feel more in control. Knowing why we might feel a certain way can help us feel less alone.
If you want to know more about the menstrual cycle, learn the changes that happen within your body and take advantage of the benefits even more- Check out my e-book and podcast below.
Want to learn MORE about your menstrual cycle?
Here is a podcast episode I recorded all about living in synch with your menstrual cycle: